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Neurodiversity isn’t new, but awareness of it has been gaining mainstream traction in recent years. In 1998, Australian sociologist Judy Singer coined the term “neurodiversity” to recognize that everyone’s brain develops uniquely. Neurodiversity refers to diversity in the human brain and cognitive functions, 比如思考, 学习和行为.

There’s a high chance that you or people around you are neurodivergent—even if you aren’t aware of it. 事实上,它是 估计 that 15%-20% of the global population is considered neurodivergent. 这篇文章解释了神经多样性, neurodivergent条件, 神经分化的优势和挑战, 以及培养神经多样性环境的建议.


Neurodiversity is the concept that the differences in brain functions are variations—not deficits—in the way people experience and interact with the world. Individuals who exhibit such variations are considered “neurodivergent.” There’s a growing understanding that individuals who are neurodivergent are not disabled but rather differently abled.

因为大脑没有“正常”的工作方式或功能, 较大的人群被称为“神经典型”.”


Neurodivergence is often used as an umbrella term covering several conditions, 包括以下内容:

  • 注意缺陷/多动障碍
  • 自闭症谱系障碍(Autism)
  • 唐氏综合症
  • 计算障碍(数学困难)
  • 书写困难(书写困难)
  • 阅读困难(阅读困难)
  • 运动障碍(协调困难)
  • Mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • 感觉加工障碍
  • 图雷特综合症

在神经多样性运动中, neuro-differences are typically recognized or appreciated as a social category similar to differences in ethnicity or gender.


 People who are neurodivergent have differences in the way their brain works. 首先,神经分化通常是看不见的. 这是一个很大的障碍, as looking at a person who is neurodivergent would not let you know they are neurodivergent. That leaves many people who are neurodivergent having to disclose their specific needs to do their best work or be socially accepted.

另外, some people who are neurodivergent struggle because of systems or processes that create new challenges or don’t allow them to demonstrate their strengths. 例如, 他们可能很难融入社会, 按预期的方式行事或容易适应变化的. 神经分化的一些常见和具有挑战性的症状包括:

  • 非典型身体行为(如.g.(在意想不到的时候发出抽搐和叫喊)
  • 对感觉输入的非典型反应(如.g.(对光、声、热、冷或人群的敏感性)
  • 不灵活,不能适应或改变
  • 学习挑战(e).g.(难以集中注意力或阅读)
  • 社会沟通困难
  • 言语和语言挑战
  • 新鲜、独特的视角
  • 卓越的专注力和专注力
  • Out-of-the-box problem-solving skills, which support innovative and creative thinking
  • 观察能力强,注重细节
  • 实践意识. 了解神经多样性是第一步. 承担起学习更多美高美集团4688神经发散特征的责任, 他们的具体优势和挑战, 以及如何减少相关的污名.
  • 听. People with neurodivergent features may feel misunderstood or left out. 让别人知道你在倾听他们,尊重他们的想法和选择.
  • 尊重个体差异. Regardless of neuro-differences, everyone has a different learning or working style. 每个人都认为, 处理信息和学习方式不同, 因此,尊重这些差异,利用个人优势. 沟通清楚. There’s room for error if communication is not specific or clear enough. 为了减少潜在的混淆, ensure communications are specific and include actions so the recipient understands the ask or task. 例如, 在工作场所, ask your teammates or direct reports what their communication 

These symptoms are simply examples since specific challenges hinge on the individual’s form of neurodivergence.

一般来说,社会往往是为神经正常的人量身定做的. 结果是, 神经分化常被误解, making people who are neurodivergent feel the need to camouflage in neurotypical societies, 情况和组织. This complex behavior is called masking and can be done deliberately or subconsciously. One of the most significant issues with masking is that it creates a lot of exhaustion and stress and can increase the risk of burnout.

掩蔽因人而异, but the behavior is often triggered by an inaccessible environment or a need to fit in, 避免评头论足,有归属感. Ultimately, masking and being unable to be authentic can have serious mental health implications.


Since people who are neurodivergent are cognitively different from people who are neurotypical, 他们可以为情境或环境带来独特的优势. 此外, people who are neurodivergent can often make connections that neurotypical people might not.

Consider the following general but powerful skills and talents of those who are neurodivergent:

而神经发散型的人往往在这些领域表现出色, 重要的是要记住每个人都是不同的. The strengths of these individuals have an opportunity to shine when they’re given the proper credit and support.


There are ways you and every person can challenge or influence cultural norms and contribute to a neurodivergent-friendly environment. 考虑一下培养神经多样性的建议:

  • 实践意识. 了解神经多样性是第一步. 承担起学习更多美高美集团4688神经发散特征的责任, 他们的具体优势和挑战, 以及如何减少相关的污名.
  • 听. People with neurodivergent features may feel misunderstood or left out. 让别人知道你在倾听他们,尊重他们的想法和选择.
  • 尊重个体差异. Regardless of neuro-differences, everyone has a different learning or working style. 每个人都认为, 处理信息和学习方式不同, 因此,尊重这些差异,利用个人优势. 沟通清楚. There’s room for error if communication is not specific or clear enough. 为了减少潜在的混淆, ensure communications are specific and include actions so the recipient understands the ask or task. 例如, 在工作场所, ask your teammates or direct reports what their communication preferences are. Keep in mind that respecting neurodiversity may also mean respecting nonverbal choices.
  • 避免基于价值的标签. Terms such as “low functioning” and “high functioning” are often used with neurodivergent条件, 比如自闭症. 避免使用这些术语, as they assume a person’s level of function is based on neurotypical function.


People who are neurodivergent may spend significant time adjusting to their environment or managing their social impressions. 虽然神经多样性有它的优势, 它也带来了个人可能需要应对的挑战.

Understanding and accepting human neurodiversity is important so everyone can live their most authentic lives and not feel like they need to adjust their behavior or other characteristics in certain environments. Ultimately, it comes down to treating others with respect and accepting them for who they are.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. 如需进一步信息,请咨询医疗专业人员. ©2023 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有. 






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